DIY: Black and White Decorative Pumpkins


Decorative pumpkins have been circling the web for a couple years now especially on sites like Pinterest, however I have never taken the time to actually DIY some of my own. I love the black and white look to them and decided I would pick and choose a couple of my favorite ideas to create a pumpkin trio for a centerpiece. Here are the three pumpkins I made and how I made them.

Black and White Striped Pumpkin

What You’ll Need:

  • Pumpkin (fake of course). You can find them in a lot of stores come fall, but you would be most likely to find one at a craft store like Joann’s or Michaels. For this project, a pumpkin with definitive ridges will be most helpful.
  • Black paint
  • White paint
  • Painting accessories: paint brush, palette, cup of water, surface protector


Step 1

Using black paint, paint every other section of the pumpkin black. Let dry.

Step 2

Using white paint, paint every other section of the pumpkin white. Let dry.

Step 3

Go back in with both paints and touch up any mistakes you may have.

The Quoted Pumpkin

What You’ll Need:

  • Pumpkin (fake of course). You can find them in a lot of stores come fall, but you would be most likely to find one at a craft store like Joann’s or Michaels. For this project, I used a small but taller looking pumpkin to compensate for the bigger striped pumpkin and also to minimize the amount of text I would need to work with.
  • White paint
  • Painting accessories: paint brush, palette, cup of water, surface protector
  • Black Sharpie

Step 1

Using white paint, paint the entire pumpkin and let dry. You will probably need to apply quite a few coats of the white paint to get it to be opaque enough to not have any of the orange popping through.

Step 2

Pick a quote or text that you want to write on your pumpkin. Since this is a Halloween DIY, I chose the first and last stanza of Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven, but of course you can choose whatever you would like to use.

Step 3

With a black Sharpie, begin at the top of your pumpkin writing out the text you’ve chosen and spiraling it down to the bottom. My Sharpie kept drying out with the paint so make sure that your pumpkin is completely dry and if need be you can go back over your writing to make it bolder.

The Melted Wax Pumpkin

What You’ll Need:

  • Pumpkin (fake of course). You can find them in a lot of stores come fall, but you would be most likely to find one at a craft store like Joann’s or Michaels. For this project, I used a small but taller looking pumpkin to compensate for the bigger striped pumpkin and also to minimize the amount of text I would need to work with.
  • Black Paint
  • Painting accessories: paint brush, palette, cup of water, surface protector
  • White crayon
  • Blow dryer

Step 1

Using black paint, paint the entire pumpkin and let dry. You will probably need to apply quite a few coats of the black paint to get it to be opaque enough to not have any of the orange popping through.

Step 2

Break out the blow dryer and your white crayon. Hold the white crayon over the pumpkin as you use the blow dryer to melt the wax. You may need to adjust the blow dryer and the crayon accordingly to get it to drip where you want. Remember, the blow dryer is blowing hot air so it’s best to angle the blow dryer from a higher position so the wax doesn’t get blown into oblivion and actually lands on your pumpkin. You can heat up the wax that has already dripped onto your pumpkin with the blow dryer to get it to run down further.

What are your thoughts?