Caring for Damaged Hair

This post is for anyone with damaged hair, especially those who have bleached hair. I bleached my hair four times in one week to get from a deep red to an icy platinum blonde. I know damaged. Damaged hair can come in all shapes and sizes. Damaged hair is when your hair feels like elastic when wet, straw when it’s dry, gets tangled a bunch, or has split ends. Here is how I breathed life back into my hair and some of my favorite products to help you along your journey. 


The best way to care for bleached hair is to be aware and monitor your hair’s health as you go through any processing. Keep your hair hydrated in between every step of bleaching. Just as we monitor how our skin changes through the seasons, which can make it more oily or dry, our hair is the same way. Pay attention to how your hair responds to different environments and add products into your hair care routine accordingly.


Depending on how damaged your hair is, how your hair handled the bleach, and the health of your hair prior to bleaching, you could have a long road to recovery. Patience and persistence are the keys. You are more than likely not going to have luxuriously, voluminous, silky waves tomorrow. The process generally takes a month or longer unless you are willing to spend $100+ on Olaplex, which would be a good investment if your hair is really damaged.


Not only is patience necessary, but so is persistence. It takes time AND effort. Now, let’s dive into the details! Damaged hair needs to be consistently protected and hydrated throughout the healing process.


Protect your hair from further damage. Once you hair is back to a healthy state, you can slowly start adding these things back into your routine in moderation if you feel they’re necessary.

  • Get your hair trimmed regularly to avoid split ends. If split ends are a huge problem for you, try Shine So Bright from Lush which helps not only prevent split ends, but also tames them. The ultimate prevention of split ends is by using a leave in conditioner like the must-have It’s A 10 Miracle Leave In Product.
  • Avoid heat (no blow drying, hot ironing, or curling) and when you do use heat make sure to use a heat protectant. The one I found that balanced the best reviews for the quantity and price is this ArtNaturals Argan Oil Thermal Shield
  •  Instead of using a brush, gently comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb
  • Avoid dying or bleach hair
  • Use a paraben-free and sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. The more hydrating the better!


Damaged hair is generally a result of dryness. Replenishing your hair with hydrating products is essential.

  • Use a shampoo and conditioner that is specifically intended to help hydrate your hair. A replenishing oil like Argan oil in the formula is a helpful sign to know it will be putting hydration back in your hair.
  • Leaving coconut oil on your hair anywhere from 3-8 hours is an effective and efficient hydrating mask option with an in-home ingredient. There are a ton of different DIY masks you can make using other at-home ingredients or masks that you can purchase like the Professional Series Hydrating Argan Oil Mask.
  • Deep conditioning treatments are similar to masks, but you don’t leave them on your hair for hours. They are generally treatments you can do in the shower that you leave in for 5-10 minutes and then rinse out. I’ve been using the ION Repair Deep Conditioning Treatment and I swear by it! You can get it in little packs at Sally’s or a whole bottle.
  • Leave-In conditioners and oils are additionally helpful products for the hydration of your hair. You apply them to towel-dried, damp hair. I’ve been using OGX Argan Oil and Mane ‘N Tail Hair Strengthener. Although from my research, I’ve heard that the It’s A 10 Miracle Leave In Product is the ultimate holy grail, must-have in hair care.

The Game Plan

Unless you’re using Olaplex, plan for a one month commitment to the health of your hair.

Week 1

  • Apply a coconut oil mask on your hair and let sit for at least 3 hours, if not overnight.
  • Wash using a hydrating shampoo and conditioner
  • Do a deep conditioning treatment in the shower
  • Comb your hair using a wide-toothed comb and let it air dry with your choice of leave-in conditioner and/or hydrating oil (intended for hair).
Do this every day for 7 days.

Week 2

  • Repeat the same steps 
Give a day space in between week one and week two. Do this for 5 days. Leave a day space in between week two and week three.

Week 3

  • Repeat the same steps 
Alternate doing this for 3 days.

Week 4

  • Repeat the same steps 
Do this for only one day.
From here on out continue to use the mask once a week. Continue to use the remaining products every time you wash your hair. Be aware of your hair’s health every step of the way. For example, if your hair is too dry, you can do the mask more than once a week. If your hair is too oily, you can cut out the hydrating shampoo and balance the other hydrating products out. 
By this point, you should be much closer to the beautifully, hydrated hair you’ve been missing. I hope this helps you achieve your goals! Do you have a must-have ride or die hair product you use? I’d love to know what it is!

What are your thoughts?