Cow vs Goat: Which One is Right for Your Homestead Dairy?

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Cows have always been the staple animal on Old McDonald’s farm, but lately goats have been getting more traction as the home dairy animal. It feels so confusing especially when your entire life you imagined milking a cute black and white cow like in the movies and the farms you visited on your school field trips. When did goats become a thing? More importantly, why? If this whole cow vs goat phenomenon has you wondering which one is right for you and your homestead dairy, I got you! Let’s figure this out together.

How Long Do Chickens Live?

Have you ever heard of chicken math? It’s a joke amongst chicken owners that you can’t just have “one [or insert any other number here]” because they start off so cute and small that you don’t realize how fast they grow and how much space they end up needing. Not only that, but oftentimes you can’t help but want to add more to your flock. They’re very special, smart creatures and laying hens can easily be viewed as pets so of course you’re wondering how long do chickens live. It’s important to understand how long Hen Solo and Princess Lay-a are going to be around for and if there’s anything you can do to prolong their life expectancy.

How to Feel with Animal Loss on the Homestead

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When we began our homestead and we invited living animals onto our farm to meet our needs, we knew these animals weren’t pets. They were livestock and with that there was not only an expectation that they would provide us nourishment and sustenance in some way, but they also were on a lower tier that made them more susceptible to physical hardships like weather, illness, and predators or their main purpose was to give their life to sustain our own. But somewhere along the way, as it most always does, these animals wedge their way into your heart and burrow down into a deep, soft spot. Most of these animals you’ve raised, cared for, and provided for since they were born. It’s near impossible not to find your heartstrings attached. When you lose an animal, it doesn’t matter what kind, it is always hard and it still hurts.