Making A Self Care Plan

It’s been four weeks since I had my son and life has been a lot different than what I expected. First off, I have to say I’ve been incredibly blessed with a very good baby who is content and cries minimally compared to what I was expecting and a husband who will take baby shifts and helps out as much as he can with our son. Additionally though, I’ve found that taking care of myself is extremely important in not just warding off postpartum depression, but feeling down in general. Making a habit of implementing these things into my routine make me feel happier and better not only internally, but externally as well. This list may not be for everyone, but it’s a great starting place and one you can always adapt to fit your preferences.


For me, this means finding myself in a peaceful environment so I can pray and focus on the betterment of myself. Sometimes this includes singing praise and worship and other times it focuses on reading the Bible. A lot of times I will journal.

Gratitude Journal

With Thanksgiving this week, this is such a great idea to implement. I’ve heard it said that when we focus on what we are thankful for in our lives it doesn’t leave any room to be disappointed or sad due to dwelling on what we don’t have in our lives. I often include this as part of my meditation, but I will make a point to write something down everyday that I am thankful for and reflect on that blessing and why I am grateful for it.

Self Reflection

Sometimes there are obvious things in my life that make me feel down and out. And sometimes if I self reflect, I see it sticking out at me like a sore thumb and I know exactly what I need to do in order to change it. If I’m feel emotionally down, maybe I’ve wronged someone and I need to apologize or I haven’t dealt with myself about how I feel in regards to a certain issue. If I’m feeling down physically, maybe I’m just not eating as healthy as I should be or I’m not staying hydrated enough.

Get Ready for the Day

Even if you have plans to chill at home all day, get out of those pjs! (ESPECIALLY if you work from home!) Unless this is your first day off in an entire year and you want to relax in your comfy jammies and that’s the only thing in the world that will make you incandescently happy (I know, I know … all I want is my onesie and my bed too) put on some street clothes. Don’t worry, you can still be comfy – just make sure you’re dressed appropriately to greet the pizza guy at your door. And of course it isn’t required, but it feels good to feel put together so if you want to have some fun why not do your makeup and hair even if it’s for no one but yourself? You deserve it more than anyone, right? For me, I just feel like my day is wasted when I sleep in super late, I’m not dressed for the day, when I’ve skipped my skin care routine, and haven’t done anything to get myself ready.

Pamper Yourself

Going above and beyond just getting ready, my favorite pick me up is taking the time to really invest in myself by using a special facial mask, drawing a hot, bubble bath, giving myself a manicure, or some other type of pamper routine. It makes me feel rejuvenated and refreshed. I feel good because I’ve taken the time to take extra care of myself, but I also feel good because I’ve done something good for my body and it shows.

Do What You Love

Whether you’re a mom or not, I’m finding it’s incredibly important to not let motherhood be the only thing that defines me. No one thing in life should define you. I have interests, hobbies, and passions. I have other responsibilities and commitments and although my son comes first, my life is much bigger than just him. Remembering that so I can do something I enjoy for a little bit has made me feel much more content in my circumstances. Whether it’s sneaking in some scrapbooking, photography, or blogging while he’s napping or while my husband is spending time with him gives me a sense of wholeness.


I would have never said this while I was pregnant, but cleaning has been something I’ve found to be therapeutic in a way. A messy house is visual noise and I find myself distracted, uncomfortable, and unproductive when it’s not clean. Now that I have my energy back, I’ve been able devote more time to it and it’s given me a sense of relief to be in a tidier space.

These have been the biggest help to me and what I gravitate toward to feel better when I’m feeling blue or need a pick-me-up. Other things I do include exercising and purging my emotions in a journal both of which I know are other popular ways of feeling better for a lot of people. What does your self care plan look like? What do you do to feel better?



What are your thoughts?