Our Old Camper Remodel: Transformation of a ’99 Damon Hornet

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Because we sold our house in order to move to Tennessee and homestead, we needed a place to live while we waited to get our land and a house. We decided to do an old camper remodel for the six months we expected to be out of a house. After stalking Facebook Marketplace for a couple weeks, we finally found a 1999 Damon Hornet for sale at a good deal and fixed it up on a budget. Spoiler Alert: from experience, I can say an old camper remodel is definitely possible (and worth it) – in case, you were doubting.

What to Do In Homestead Living: Our Journey

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A homesteading lifestyle can involve a lot of different things, but when you’re first getting started some tasks are easier than others. With our resources and capabilities, we tackled planting a vegetable garden, raising laying hens and pigs, harvesting wood, and composting. Here’s how we tackled these things and how you can get started with them too.

Our Home Buying Experience

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Buying a home is a roller coaster of an experience. There are ups and downs, fast and slow moments, going back and forth. At one point you are exhilarated from the thrill and the next you want to scream at the top of your lungs. The entire time there was a pit in the bottom of my stomach due to the excitement of a new journey. For a smoother transition, here’s what I learned and what I wish I knew going into this process.

Halloween Decor DIY: Dark Romanticism

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Sherlock Holmes meets Edgar Allen Poe. Victorian meets Gothic. Mystery. Romance. Horror. Apothecary bottles, taxidermy, skulls, flowers, and candles …. what do they all have in common? They’re what make up this year’s Halloween decor DIYs! Dark Romanticism is the closest genre I could find that encompassed them all as I’m not sure how else … Read more

DIY The Nightmare Before Christmas Bottles: Worm’s Wort, Deadly Nightshade, and Frog’s Breath

It’s fall! And I’m getting my Halloween DIY on by making some Halloween decorations for a black and white, Tim Burton-themed Halloween party I’m hoping to have. I say hoping because it’s all dependent on when the little one decides he’s going to make his appearance. We are crossing our fingers that he will be here close … Read more