3 Ways to Fill Up Your Cup Through Personal Development

How often do you feel like you pour so much of yourself out into the world and other people that there’s nothing left for yourself? You’re drained and exhausted – barely able to function. Well, my dear, it’s time to fill up your cup, make yourself a priority, and focus on some self love. 

fill up your cup personal development

I was feeling very much empty by the end of 2017. Caught up in a whirlwind that spiraled me from person to person meeting their needs, leaving me feeling, quite frankly, dead inside.  I dedicated the start of 2018 to myself and it was such a great year for personal development and filling my cup back up again. I think the key really is exactly that though: personal development. Here are three ways I chose to pour into myself and fill up my cup.

Meet With a Counselor or Life Coach

I’m a huge supporter of mental health and a firm believer that we all need someone constant in our life who knows us and has the professional knowledge and skills to help guide us through our life decisions and experiences. Regardless of whether you are in a life crisis or feel you “need” a counselor or life coach, having one is important to give you insight, perspective, and teach you ways to be proactive handling what life throws at you. This is just as a much a precautionary measure as it is a reactionary measure for your personal development. 

Read Books and Listen to Podcasts

The next best thing after having a counselor or life coach is absorbing everything you can from successful people in the personal development industry. Get a hold of any books and podcasts. You can listen to audio books and podcasts in the morning when you’re getting ready or during your commute. I also found it SO helpful to reconnect with my spirituality through meditation. If there’s a book associated with your religion, spend time diving into the principles and values it contains to become a better you.  

Make Yourself a Priority

Don’t get me wrong – I love me some bubble baths and a good face mask, but self care is so much more than that. You should take the time to pamper yourself and do things you enjoy, but self care also means getting enough sleep, having routine health checkups, and watching what you’re putting in and on your body. Take some time to schedule that dentist appointment and, yes, buy yourself a bath bomb next time you’re at the store.

If you’re not taking care of yourself, you’re not at your best to be taking care of others. You matter and you are important. Pour into yourself and fill up your cup – only you can hold yourself responsible for doing so. Go get your personal development and self care on! Show yourself some love! 


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