How to Create Self Discipline

If you think self discipline sounds like a punishment, you’re not entirely wrong. Self discipline is sort of the equivalency of a work out for the mind. It’s painful and hard work, but the reward is fruitful and worth more than you can imagine.

self discipline

If you struggle with self discipline (like working out … because you need self discipline to be successful with most things, including working out), you’re not alone. After all, 80% of New Years resolutions fail by February. There are a few “inventory items” to account for in order to make self discipline come a little more naturally.

A Soul Search

Close your eyes and take a journey deep within yourself. Maybe it’s a little cheesy, but, from my experience, I struggle with having self discipline when I’m not in tune with myself. It takes meditation and refocusing to get me back to a place where I’m once again confident with my direction in life. Sometimes it’s not the right time, you’re not in the right mindset, or you’re on the wrong path. Confidence makes it easier to commit difficult tasks to action.  


If you’ve been around here long enough, you know I’m a goal setting junkie thanks to my C-personality. And maybe just maybe I’m convinced that goal setting can change the world – it can certainly change a life. Setting goals and having a plan is one way you can instill a feeling of accountability that can be inherently necessary when trying to create a habit of self-discipline. 

No Temptations

Throw out all of the chocolate. Set the alarm on the opposite side of the room so you can’t press snooze – or let’s be honest, if you use your phone, like me, put that on the opposite side of the room or-OR- go and buy an actual alarm clock. Get rid of all those temptations lurking around that will attack you as soon as they see any possible moment of weakness.


Your incentive can be anything you want whether it’s something small to provide immediate reward and satisfaction or something big and longterm. You know you best. Maybe it’s a cheat day at the end of the week or a tattoo on your hot new bod. Maybe it’s a trip to the movie theatre or a trip to Disney Land because you reached a financial goal. Maybe it’s a 10 minute break because you got your task done or it’s that new job promotion. Incentive is an effective type of motivation.  

Time Management

Time management keeps you honest and is another form of accountability. There are many ways to manage time, but one of the best ways is to simply hold yourself to the clock. Give yourself an allotted time to focus on one task, even if you aren’t successful in completion – that’s okay, because the purpose was to put effort toward it and you did. Whether you thrive under pressure or not, this is the perfect way to get the best of both worlds. 

What are your thoughts?