Embracing A Spiritual Relationship

They say the three things you should never talk about are money, politics, and religion. Most of which are essential to functioning successfully throughout life. Quite honestly, I dislike the term ‘religion’; I prefer the term ‘spirituality’.  Spirituality, by my perspective, is a way of life. Religion is the culmination of ideas to answer the question, “what happens when we die?”. It’s a legitimate question, but it’s only one small piece of spirituality as a whole. Regardless of your beliefs, I’d like to ask you, are you in tune with your relationship to spirituality or do you toss it off to the side, disinterested in either currently thinking about it or ever thinking about it?

spiritual relationship

Our Soul is Our Life Force

We are composed of mind, body, and soul -or spirit. Our soul is our life force, who we are, why we are who we are. It’s important to try and understand our moral, values, and beliefs. Therefore, it’s also important to connect with why we entertain those morals, values, and beliefs. Spirituality challenges us to seek out truth about ourselves, the world we live in, and what we are yet to be. Do you try to understand yourself, analyze your choices, question answers, and search for a definitive truth? 

It’s true that most of us find those sorts of answers in religion. For me, I found them in a relationship, a spiritual relationship between my spirit and the holy spirit, between my broken body and the resurrected body of Jesus Christ, between my lack of knowledge and an omniscient, omnipresent, almighty God who DESIRES and DELIGHTS in me simply wanting to spend time with him. 


When You're Lost, Confused, and DOwn

If you’re feeling off track in life, you can’t find peace or relief, you are struggling, you’ve hit rock bottom, you don’t know what to do or what the next step is, you have anxiety, depression, panic attacks, I challenge you – whatever your morals, values beliefs are – to realign yourself with your relationship to spirituality. I challenge you to pursue this journey of spirituality and strengthen your quest for truth and understanding. This journey has the potential to bring you peace, satisfy deep longings, and relieve tension deep within your soul. Don’t put off a spiritual pursuit that could ultimately transform your life.

What are your thoughts?